PublicSpaces / Conference

Raoul Kramer

Program Manager UBports Foundation

UBports firmly believes in an open, transparent and secure world. One where you can choose which mobile platform you want to use, independent of the hardware you buy. One where you can choose which data you want to share, how and with whom, without making concessions. We strive for a world where thereā€™s freedom of choice at every level: manufacturers should have the choice to pick their components without any limitations, developers shouldnā€™t have to worry about censorship or the powerful agenda of big corporations. Finally, users should always be in charge of their own online identity.

We give everyone a new option to choose from: a beautiful and open-source mobile operating system Ubuntu Touch, with freedom at its core.

Raoul Kramer works as an independent opensource consultant at Beta Break.


During the conference PublicSpaces Conference 2023: For a Collective Internet in 2023, Raoul Kramer was part of the following session(s):