PublicSpaces / Conference

All speakers

We welcome the following speakers to the conference.

Aaron Mirck

Author | Tech Thinker | Activist | TEDx Speaker

Abdo Hassan

Digital Ethics and Responsible AI at IKEA | Founder/Creative Technologist at Critical Tech

Alena Kahle

Senior Advocacy and Communications Officer at Foundation The London Story

Alexander Baratsits

Managing Director Display Europe

Alexander Smolianitski

Head of the Products at ZenDiS

Alexandra van Huffelen

State Secretary for Kingdom Relations and Digitalisation

Alexandra van Straaten

Communication advisor SURF

Alexis Kauffmann

Project Manager Open Education at the French Ministry of Education

Anne Helmond

Associate Professor of Media, Data & Society at Utrecht University

Astrid Poot

Social Designer | Demonstrative Philosophical Writer | Speaker

Barbara Kathmann

Member of parliament PvdA | Digital Affairs and Privacy

Benjamin Fro


Bert Hubert

Entrepreneur | Software Developer

Bill Thompson

Head of Public Value Research at BBC

Björn Staschen

Media Scientist | Journalist

Björn Wijers

Chief Community PublicSpaces

Daan Odijk

Head of Data & AI at RTL

Danny LĂ€mmerhirt

Future Internet Lab Lead at Waag Futurelab

Dayana Spagnuelo

Researcher at TNO | Privacy Coordinator for TNO Unit ISP

Derk Molijn

Project Manager Innovation at broadcaster NTR

dr. Mariëtte van Huijstee

Coordinator Rathenau Instituut

Dymphie Braun

Programmemaker & facilitator

Eefje Cuppen

Director Rathenau Institute

Eelco Maljaars


Eleftherios Kosmas

Vice-chair Libre Space Foundation

Erik Slingerland

Researcher Process Innovation and Information Systems at Utrecht University of Applied Sciences

Esther Hammelburg

Media Scholar | Senior Lecturer Digital Media at Hogeschool van Amsterdam

Eva Oosterlaken

Creative Lead Studio Futurall | Design Researcher at PubHubs

Francesca Bria

Innovation Economist | Digital Policy Expert

Frank Prins

Product Owner KennisCloud at the Midden-Brabant Library

Gijs Ockeloen

Managing Partner at Reframing Academy

Hannah Boute

Advisor at ECP | platform voor de Informatiesamenleving

Hanneke Holthuis

General Counsel at Pictoright

Hans de Zwart

Researcher & Lecturere at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences | Co-founder Racism and Technology Center

Harold Pflug

Teacher at Creative Business and Communication | Researcher PubHubs

Ian Forrester

BBC R&D Senior Firestarter

Ibou Ndong

Musician & Percussionist

Iskander Smit

Cities of Things Foundation

Jaap Stronks

Digital Strategist at Nieuwe Instituut

Jan den Besten

Software developer at PubHubs, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen

Jan Zuiderveld

Machine Learning Researcher | Engineer

Jantien Borsboom

Director of PublicSpaces

Jesse Six Dijkstra

Member of the Dutch Parliament for NSC

Judith Lenglet

Citizen Initiative Accelerator Team coach at the Interministerial Digital Directorate

Julia Janssen


Kambale Musavuli

Technologist | Founder of Aether Strategies

Karen Palmer

XR creator | AI artist

Kim van Sparrentak

Member of the European Parliament for GroenLinks

Koos Steenbergen

Policy advisor at the Ministry of Interior Affairs

Lars Petzold

Research Fellow at European Space Policy Institute


Writer | Word Artist | Drag Performer

Laura Krabbe

Editor PublicSpaces

Laurens Hof

Writer | Fediverse Specialist

Leonieke Mevius

Sustainability IT Advisor at the Municipality of Amsterdam

Levien Nordeman

Lecturer | Researcher | Writer about data, AI-literacy and society

Lilian Stolk

General Director The Hmm

Lise Witteman

Chief EU Editor at Follow the Money

Lucas Evers

Head of Programme Make at Waag Futurelab

Lucille Verbaere

European Broadcast Union, Technology and Innovation

Luna Maurer

Mixed media designer and artist | Lecturer | Author

Maaike Okano-Heijmans

Researcher Clingendael Institute | Lecturer

Manfred Zielinski

Digital Community Goods Project Manager at Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations

Marit Hoefsloot

Concept Developer at Waag Futurelab

Marleen Stikker

Founding Director Waag Futurelab

Marleen van Houts

Board assistant Tetem

Marlijn Gelsing

Digital Transformation Consultant at Kunstloc Brabant

Martijn de Waal

Professor of Civic Interaction Design at the HvA | Scientific Director of the Centre of Expertise Creative Innovation

Mathilde Sanders

Postdoc researcher Universiteit Utrecht

Max Kortlander

Writer & Researcher at Waag Futurelab

Melchior Kanyemesha

Codeveloper CIIIC | Immersive Experiences at ClickNL (INFO)

Menno Weijs

Project Manager European Cultural Foundation

Mieke van Heesewijk

Deputy Director SIDN Fund

Miha Turơič

Project Developer at Waag Futurelab

Nadia Piet

Researcher | Designer | Founder AIxDESIGN

Nanda Piersma

Director Centre of Expertise Applied Artificial Intelligence

Nastia Cistakova

Artist & illustrator

Natali Helberger

Distinguished University Professor of Information Law and Digital Technology

Neil Smyth

CEO and co-founder Alkemio

Niels Bogaards

R&D engineer | Co-founder Bookarang

Oscar Lepoeter

Lecturer Digital Literacy at Windesheim

Paolo Cirio

Multidisciplinary Artist

Patrick Zuidhof

Co-founder OpenEdu

Paul Keller

Director of Policy Open Future

Paulien Dresscher

Researcher | Consultant | Curator

Pernille Tranberg


Queeny Rajkowski

Member of parliament VVD | Spokesperson digital economy and infrastructure, cyber security, digital democracy and the AIVD

Raoul Kramer

Designer at Beta Break

Rasa Bocyte

Lead Development of Research and Innovation Partnerships at Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision

Raymond de Rooij

Team Manager at the Competition Directorate of the ACM

Reijer Passchier

Professor of digitisation and the democratic rule of law

Remco Pijpers

Strategic Advisor Digital Literacy Kennisnet

Rik Viergever

Partnerships, Public Affairs and Fair Tech Lead at Murena

Roland Duong

Journalist and program creator

Roos Groothuizen

Media Artist | Designer

Sander van der Waal

Research Director at Waag Futurelab

Sander Veenhof

Half-Digital Human | Be Your Own Robot

Sebastian Lasse

Photojournalist | War Photographer | Filmmaker

Shu Yang Lin

Independent Creator and Designer

Simone van der Burg

Head of Programme Code at Waag Futurelab

Sophie Bloemen

Director Commons Network

Suzanne Unck

Program Manager Impulse Open Learning (IOL)

Taco van Dijk

Software Developer at Waag Futurelab

Tamara van Zwol

Network Coordinator Digital Heritage at Sound and Vision

Tanya O'Carroll

Independent Advisor | Strategist | Coordinator 'People vs Big Tech'

Tessel van Leeuwen

Concept Developer at Waag Futurelab

Theresa Song Loong

Advisor Technological Innovation at Kennisnet

Thomas Poell

Professor of Data, Culture & Institutions at the University of Amsterdam

Tim de Vos

student Creative Media and Game Technologies

Tiziano Bonini

Associate Professor Sociology at University of Siena | Co-author Algorithms of Resistance

Toshi Reagon

Singer | Composer | Musician | Curator | Producer

Wido Potters


Wouter Tebbens

Project Lead PublicSpaces

Xiao-Shan Yap

Senior Policy Advisor EPFL Space Center