As part of the ‘Innovation Labs’ scheme run by the Creative Industries Fund NL, PublicSpaces has spent the past year and a half working with Waag Futurelab, Sound & Vision and the NPO on Open Culture Data Living Lab, a project that investigated how open source technology can contribute to increasing the reach and findability of arts videos online.
During this session the results of the Living Lab will be presented, and we will look at how Publiq, a Belgian agency for communication with a platform that connects platforms with audiences, is looking for similar solutions. What would be possible if we linked the lessons learnt by Publiq to the Living Lab research on the possibilities of Peertube, Solid, and an open decentralised events register based on publicly defined calendar standards? Join this session and learn more about the possibilities of open-source infrastructures in the cultural sector.
In collaboration with: Pakhuis de Zwijger, InScience festival, STRP, Tetem, Dutch Composers Now and ArchiXL