Session: Display Europe Notulist: Isis WoutersenDatum/date: 28-06-2023 15:00Sprekersnamen/speaker names:
(mentioned links, books, podcasts, literature, etc.)Live notes (500-750 words)
Please use full sentences and write in the spoken language of the session / Graag volledige zinnen gebruiken en de taal aanhouden van de sessieThe problem is that Europe lacks a functioning public sphere, often leaving Europeans disoriented, distrustful, and disengaged.
Identified three issues: first, traditional media report from a national perspective. Second, social media prioritse profit maximisation instead of public value. The third issue is that the groups we see in the media are very limited (e.g., no refugees).
The whole idea is that we have to connect media across all languages and Europe. The idea is to build up a support system. We need multiple players who amend each other. We need a much more diverse field in the media.
The solution is to built and empowered by independent media, available at 15 European languages.
Compensating news coverage in region with low media pluralism based on and serving democratic values.
Recommendations based on personal interests but without feeding bubbles, with unbiased AI.
Display offers three different types of content. First, a newsfeed from diverse media. Second, curated thematic reviews with the more relevant details of the past month. Third, a weekly TV show with news, debates, and comedy from a European perspective.
Display wants to be sustainble and wants to keep growing. This is done by connecting partners to a wide variety of media from across Europe, invite other media to join, and offering grants.
Display is different from existing European platforms by means that Display is directly targeting European citizens, as oppossed to service platforms for other media. Display also has no commercial interest, and is based on open source technology.
We don't believe that something like this to build in a year. It is a minimum of four/five years.
For buiding a European public sphere, you need a European public sphere. If you look at the partners in the project and add up their audiences, you have about 40 million people we could reach.
The European elections are coming up, and are an important topic for Display as well.
Question from the public: how can we use this platform right now? The current state is that we don't have anything yet, the launch for the public is in November.
The principle of Display is openness, with open licenses.
They want to build their network based on democratic values, as well as the governance. The governance needs to be cooperative. There also will be a network covenant.
The infrastructure is going to be open to everyone, with a human perspective. We need to make the Eurepean perspective fun and pleasant.