Session: Living Lab Open Cultuurdata: Results Notulist: Lex LakeDatum/date: 28-06-2023 11:00Sprekersnamen/speaker names:
(mentioned links, books, podcasts, literature, etc.)-
Live notes (500-750 words)
Please use full sentences and write in the spoken language of the session / Graag volledige zinnen gebruiken en de taal aanhouden van de sessieShort intro by Thomas van Dijk. How to deal with shared resources? Commons are resources that we share but we need to figure out how to deal and share these resources. One way is a public way. Another is We can let the more civic grass root organisations share these resources. Or we can have private companies be in charge.
LLOC, Publiq, Beckn.
Rebecca van Kemenade: we've been working with loads of organisations. Mostly public, cultural organisations.
She asks
who of you have organized an event? Hands go up!
- The first DEN organized an event about cultural heritage.
- Then another attendee has organized Hackdays up to 850 people, geek dinners.
Another question to the attendees:
Do you share these events online?- Yes, someone hosted KunstVallei,
- and another attendee tells: everybody that organizes an event shares it online.
Rebecca's final question:
Do others share your event online?- InScience Film Festival (ISFF), local partners share their events and vice versa.
- DataAutonomyProject UvG launched last week, and it is shared by others.
Rebecca: We try and figure out how we an bring digitized productions of cult org together online so we can make it availably to our public standards. We want to have it designed according to public values, and we want it stored and acceissable in a sustainable way. We made a
Programme Development > Calendar Data > Event >(the event is being recorded)
Upload Video > Rewatch > Sustainable Archiving(uploaded to PeerTube, more on that later).
All kinds of cultural orgs can implement this. At Sound and Vision we created the option to do that.
HOST Thomas: How can calendar data be structured? we mapped that out on wikipedia page and basically aggregated the calendardat in different platforms with diff tools that can be used by culutral orgs themselves.
Initiaitves have incentives want a certain standard. You need to explain the benefits of thes open standards so that an aggregated datatsytem can be useful. We will reach out and adopt and help cult. org. to adopt the cultural standards we put in the wikipediapage.
Philo van Kemenade: The workflow of recording events and then streaming it has changed with the pandemic. A lot of programmes have created the ability to do this (live) streaming. you want to continue to multiply that value. A lot of organizers published their videos on YouTube (YT) and Vimeo. Are those the kind of space that have our publice values in mind? For YT definitely not! An alternative example is PeerTube (PT). It works similar to YT. It is open source and developed by a company in France. How can we use PT for the goals that we have? It is Peer to Peer.
InScience Festival example: they have are hosting it from ISFF.
Company talk has been recorded, ISFF can upload and then share/embed on other sites.
They have developed a plugin the event metadata plugin. That enables people from ISFF to just paste in the url and all the metadata is imported. The name, the event link, the location etc.
Hoping to make it accessible for long term.
Any PeerTube, can we build something that that video can be safeguarded very long term? It's still Proof of Concept level, but it is possible to let any video flow in to the peertube of Beeld en Geluid.
Wrapping up: Standardisation, Best Practices, Communal Facilities, Profesionalisation is Networking (4 blocks). More to be found out at Workshop at Dutch Design Festival, come join us!
Onto Hans and Karen. Publiq /, from Belgium4 subjects, formulated with Flanders Government.
How can we get the public sector more resiliaint in digital times?
We need to create a ecosystem to make the data flow better. Provide skills and learning.
Principals that are failry oncpetual we need to apply if we do porjects: encourage shared data, collecitive digital infrasturcture, strive for maximal added value, use public values.
We are part of a broader strategy, and start from a user centric approach. Someone needs to coordinate, to bring people together to operationalize the strategy and we go for open innovation.
Doelgericht Digitaal Transformeren is the running project to use the above strategy.
Providers, participants (take part in, and have wishes) and policy makers (implementing) need to work together.
Providers have a need to open data, who do they need to access? How and what?
The platform looks into these challenges to better understand the audiencens, and provide better interactions between provider and participant.
Data Mesh: Hans shows us a plan/workflow of different parts and steps needed.
You can use information from infrastructure (not only cultural data), in order to create new data sets, new innovations.
Karen is introduced, she is teamlead at Publiq. Non-profit.
Developed a lot of services and tools at the core value unit of our platform, bringing producers and participants together. For public we try to reach s much people as possible, and try to perosnalise and inspire about activiteis.
Loyalty and discounts: UitPas, Events UitDatabank, Subscription MuseumPasMusee (MPM) (Belgian Musuemkaart).
Editorial tools to work together with magazines or papers so they can do reviews on cultutral pieces and announce what is coming up. Next big topic, is the platform to integrate them in MPM, working together we can provide new services like the audience finder. To give organisers more insights on their public.
next Stes: BysinessModel, Governance, Industrialize, Automation and Operations.
Thomas: is it on Oslo already? Karen it wil be translated and come to Oslo.
Hans: it;s not complete like a European network, but working with the flemmish government wil try to create a decleration in order to get the network extended and progress and concpet more elaborated and on the eruopean agenda to get more funding.
UP NEXT: Sujith Nair of FIDE, from Bangalore, India.Foundation for Inter.. (tbc)
About open economical ecosystems.
Working also with Beckn. Sujith has no understandign of making platforms for culturalal orgs.
Sujith thinks of any economical consumption. Or an economic transaction. You can thinka bout a basic peer to peer interaction can mean for cultural..
The idea of Beckn: how does it fit into the above stories?
Look at technology to create a shift. Beckn for beckoning, is to fundamnetaly to look at this economic consumption production.
The real purpose of the content to be exchanged. We want to talk about an idea to have any economic resoruce, a doctor's calendar, cultural event online, or peertube, how do we discover this?? Because mostly how we do information excahnage? We serach and then we find it.
Discussions on open datat in Amsterdam? You search with an intent. how do we create a way for that intent that are relevant and discoverable.
Aggregation: create a central actor who is aggregation the intents and the catalogue of others on the other side, be it amazon or airbnb or another. Interenet had no centre, smae for email. Gmail, yahoo, and we can still exchange emails. They are all happening but they just find a way to connect, to take that idea to make a layer above the internet, any resource can we engage wit that, to schedule the event, buy a ticket.
The power of beckn is its generality. it comes with resources that are largely fragmented. As an alternative to aggregation.
Teenagers get an amount of money to discover culture, a way to have young minds to access culture. All at one place the cultural places, can this exchange of information happen on different platforms.
The world has been thinking of building in one silo, it has been making one
networkcentric model, to exchange content, if you can add semantic interaction, you can run your own content and be discoverable on any platform without being on all the platforms.
Questions?Speakers react to eachother's presentation.
Sujith: You can have a collective, public/government who can define the trust building mechanisms.
Hist Thomas: Is the facilitiator role something Publiq would have (reacting to Sujith). Karen: Yes
Hans: Beckn is another model if you compare it to Oslo. It's decentralized, the value that is captured is going back to the cultural platforms.
From the audience: 1. Are we betting on the right horse (or barking up the wrong tree)? The basic concept of culture is not renewd, make culture and consume culture. Ahead of the civilians value is sold, don't we need to ask the public what they need. Should we involve the consumers in a better way. Answer Philo: we are working with event producing partners, specifically. We are acutely aware to listen to what consumers want and need.
Roundup of last questions, to ponder about afterwards!2. Have you also considered the workflow for the people's point of view? How to find in a fine grained way what you want to find?
3. Sustainability where is the man in the middle?
4. When you create a platform? Then you also become that middle person. Not seeing the public as seeing consumers and producers, we are bioth, how do we become platform agnostic?
5. The role of archiving, peertube. (example of losing YT channel). What's the vision in the long term.
I see it as a cancer, put out there and with creation of content come rights. An attendant who does not agree with the speakers at the session.
Host Thomas responds: I agree, it is important to have the creators respectfully treated and paid for what they do. The intent is not to steal their data and continue with their old system, but also to put the value back in the cultural org. and put it back to the cultural.