PublicSpaces / Conference

Kim van Sparrentak

Member of the European Parliament for GroenLinks

Kim van Sparrentak has been a member of the European Parliament for GroenLinks since 2019. In Brussels, she fights for a fair, safe and accessible digital market that serves people, rather than Big Tech companies. Internal market, employment and LGBTQIA+ rights are her focal points within the parliament. Previously, Kim served as duo-chair of DWARS, the youth branch of GroenLinks, and of the Young Greens (FYEG). She also worked as a researcher and campaigner, amongst others for Environmental Defense.

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During the conference PublicSpaces Conference 2024: Taking Back the Internet! in 2024, Kim van Sparrentak was part of the following session(s):


During the conference PublicSpaces Conference 2023: For a Collective Internet in 2023, Kim van Sparrentak was part of the following session(s):


During the conference šŸ”„ The Time is NOW! in 2022, Kim van Sparrentak was part of the following session(s):