PublicSpaces / Conference

Melchior Kanyemesha

Codeveloper CIIIC | Immersive Experiences at ClickNL (INFO)

Caught between societal challenges, sustainability crises and technological disruptions caused by digital innovation, every company and organisation world wide is dealing with change and uncertainty. There's a twin transition going on. Forcing us to make simultaneous transformations in our physical and virtual world. Immersive experiences (IX) might be able to bridge these urgencies in a constructive way. But only if we focus our efforts on public values and societal impact, before trying to make a profit. As a trailblazer and innovation broker, Melchior Kanyemesha hopes to help make that possible. By working for ClickNL and codeveloping the NGF CIIIC program, he aims for IX to create positive societal impact.


During the conference PublicSpaces Conference 2024: Taking Back the Internet! in 2024, Melchior Kanyemesha was part of the following session(s):