Thomas Poell
Professor of Data, Culture & Institutions at the University of Amsterdam
Thomas Poell is Professor of Data, Culture & Institutions at the University of Amsterdam. He is programme director MA Media Studies, co-founder of the Research Priority Area on Global Digital Cultures, and faculty lead for the national Human(e) AI & the Datafied Society sector plan.
Leveraging social media data and digital methods, Poell has studied how digital platforms are reshaping the mobilisation, organisation, and communication of protest around the globe. In recent years, he has built an influential conceptual framework to analyse how platforms and AI are intervening in crucial sectors of society. He is co-author of 'Platforms and Cultural Production' with David Nieborg and Brooke Erin Duffy (Polity, 2021) and 'The Platform Society' with JosƩ van Dijck and Martijn de Waal (Oxford University Press, 2018). Furthermore, he co-edited 'The Sage Handbook of Social Media' (Sage, 2018), 'Social Media Materialities and Protest' (Routledge, 2018), and 'Global Cultures of Contestation' (Palgrave/McMillan, 2017).