PublicSpaces / Conference

Best Practices in Sustainable Digitisation

Panel - How to move forward with our planet in mind with Lilian Stolk, Tamara van Zwol, ao...

June 06 14:00 - 15:00 @

Language: Dutch.

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Sustainability and digitization seem difficult to reconcile. Large data centres that consume (green) power & water, so your website is online 24/7/365, AI that requires a lot of energy to be trained and a huge amount of data we send and store every day.  

Are you looking for information on how your organization can digitize sustainably? Discover which practical steps you can take as an organization to contribute to the solution of the climate crisis.

In this session, we introduce sustainable digitization and dive deeper into the topic based on the experiences of our panelists. Hannah Boute of the National Coalition for Sustainable Digitization tells us what sustainable digitization entails, Tamara van Zwol updates us on how Netwerk Digitaal Erfgoed (NDE) wants to green websites in the heritage sector and Lillian Stolk of The Hmm elaborates on how we can shape a 'lighter Internet'.

Together, they address the question: How can civil society organizations take responsibility in sustainable digitization?
