PublicSpaces / Conference

Artistic Resistance against AI Disinformation

Talk - Digital Deal presents: Paolo Cirio

June 07 11:05 - 12:00 @

Language: English.

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The accelerated adoption of new technologies - such as AI and algorithmic processing - can alter and undermine democratic processes. Artist Paolo Cirio has spent his career using the Internet for art and activism, and will present his decades-long commitment to this cause. 

Cirio addresses AI as automated violence through surveillance, discrimination, and disinformation. He exposes such violence through the police’s use of facial recognition, the criminal data industry, and military propaganda. As a violent, unregulated weapon, AI amplifies cultural conflicts expressed in information wars that power structures want to dominate, and activists need to dispute. With his projects, Cirio challenges these powers by exploring AI as a weapon and using it for counter-attacks.

Cirio was invited as part of the project European Digital Deal, a three-year investigation through art and culture into how the accelerated, yet at times unconsidered adoption of new technologies, influences democratic processes. This project is co-funded by Creative Europe. 

