PublicSpaces / Conference

Impact and use of generative AI

Panel - As a social/cultural organisation, how do you deploy generative AI responsibly?

June 06 13:00 - 13:55 @

Language: Dutch.

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There are lots of reasons to be critical of generative AI. Think of the blurring distinction between real and fake, its energy consumption or the way it could strengthen Big Tech's position.

Many research and journalism organisations therefore feel the urgency to act quickly. Codes, practices and policies are being developed in a hurry. However, Generative AI can also introduce important, useful technological opportunities for cultural, journalistic and educational applications. Organisations need a sober perspective on the strategic deployment of this type of technology, while now this is being obscured by, on the one hand, the excessive focus on 'practical' tools like ChatGPT, and, on the other, the panic about AI allegedly sidelining humans.

According to a report by the KB, there is much demand for practical guidance and clear guidelines, for both users and creators of AI applications. In this panel, we discuss how cultural and social organisations can use AI in public-facing applications in particular. How to do this responsibly, i.e. with a critical attitude, and in a constructive way?
